Tuesday 11 July 2017

Milla Jovovich is a card?

So I was at work today, TOALLY DOING MY JOB, when I was scrolling through my Cardfight Vanguard app and noticed a card of Milla Jovovich. I couldn't find a good image of it online to show here but here's a link to the card's info page (in Japanese though) Here

The card is from the Etranger clan, which is made for promotional cards in Japan, and thus isn't really usable in games, only for the pretty folders (FYI, this is the one card clan I don't collect, which is why I always mention the "English language game"). Milla is the only card that is based on a Western actor, with most others being Japanese stars like Daigo, or characters like Spider-Man.

The reason for this card is most likely as a reference to an advert Milla starred in, where she was playing the game against a Japanese star (sorry, no idea who he is...kinda hot though :D) He plays a Gear Chronicle deck, and she appears to play a Kagero one, though I can't see her cards too clearly. The advert and behind the scenes are shown in the video below...
So yeah, that's an interesting little story, all from me TOTALLY doing my job this morning...

Anyway, see you guys later when I get more cards (likely not many until after my convention trip next month though)

Saturday 1 July 2017

Start of July Update!

Got a few new cards in the mail today, including another copy of the Genesis trial deck, I'm planning to make a Genesis deck at long last to complete my trinity of non-Paladin United Sanctuary decks.

On top of that I ordered a booster box of Clan Booster 3, which gave meal the remaining commons and most of the rares in playsets. I did manage to get the GR Celebrate Voice Lauris, the RR Hand in Hand Leona and a RRR Frontier Star Coral (giving me my second one, thus making it useable)

Lastly, I ordered a bunch of singles from CardfightSingles which gave me a bunch of older cards I needed for the collection, and to complete a couple of playsets, including the amazing Crested and Stardrive dragons...THE STRONGEST CARDS OF THEM ALL!!

All in all, my total "Have None" list is now at 621...not a bad haul for one shipment huh? :)

(Course that number will go higher when the new Bermuda Triangle cards, and the BT11 and Nubatama deck come out....

Wednesday 21 June 2017

The G-FC04 Problem

So, today I got a couple of booster boxes today, Revival Collection 1 (I got no new cards to remove from the "Have none" section from there, but I did get a few new playsets :D ) and also a box of Fighters Collection 2017, which I got a load of new cards to scratch off the list, but, there's a problem with G-FC04 that I've noticed....it is rubbish....

All of the "common rares" in this set are heal triggers with effects...that's good! Problem is, their effects can only work with the G-Guardian included in this set, which are all RRR, and are also terrible, with most of their effects being weaker than the older versions we already have, but also having a higher payment cost (all being GB1 and flip a G-Guardian). The GR cards in this set are all pretty cool however, and are well worth the set....but they are all GB8 cards.....HAVE YOU GOT ANY IDEA HOW HARD IT IS TO GET SEVEN G-UNITS FACE UP IN THE G-ZONE?!!? (PS, just remembered that the Cray Elementals are all "common rares" too, still not great ones though)

The main GB8 cards in this set I was after were Amaterasu (I ordered her from an online seller), the Link Joker card (not got yet), and Vellator Terminal, which I got in this box. Now does anyone know the problem with this card though? The GB8 Rescue themed Angle Feather Unit that allows you to rescue 5 damage...by that time in the game you won't have enough cards left in the deck to use it! (This is the main problem with most of the GB8 cards too btw).

One more major issue in this set (for me at least) is that there are only 30 cards in a box, but 75 cards in the set...and only 10 cards in the box will be RRR or GR....there's 24 of both rarities in the set, and ideally you'd need a play set of all of them (especially the Heal Triggers) so can you imagine how many boxes you'll need for a full set? I'm weeping for my wallet as I type this!

Hopefully the next set as a better format, with maybe fewer cards, or better effects on those that are included (AND MAYBE A CRAY ELEMENTAL TRIGGER SET AT LAST!!)

Hope you enjoyed my little written-ramble, and tune in for the next one :)

Current Have None count: 651 English Language Cards

Sunday 18 June 2017


Welcome friends! My name (or rather user name) is Aesir, I'm a Cardfight Vanguard "Cardfighter" who specializes in the Oracle Think Tank clan, I live in Berkshire and "frequent" (ie, turn up to the Sunday tournaments) at Eclectic Games in Reading.

So what am I doing here? Well I'm bored, and figured I would share a long term project of mine with you guys so you can share in my madness and/or genius!

I wish to collect one of every card in the game, and to be honest, I've collected a lot of them, in fact, according to an app I have, I am only missing 676 English language cards at the moment (I like that number, it divides into the 26 English Language clans (all of them, but Etranger) exactly into 26! So on average I only need 26 cards for each clan until I have a complete set (ignoring that my current "need list" for Cray Elemental is 2...and others are in the extremes too)....not to mention that I haven't even mentioned my need for full play sets too...baby steps!

I figured I would have you people come along with me along the way, I'll post here with updates on my collection count, but in the points of time between new acquisitions I may even do some blog posts regarding some of my favourite cards, some good pulls of the past, maybe even some episode or tournament reviews if they are wanted

So this was just a short post introducing myself and what this blog is for, if you want to keep tabs on me and my weird project, you can either follow me here, or just bookmark the site. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for or on future posts, and give me feedback.
